Gynecomastia Exercises to Get Rid of Man Breasts

No matter how serious the condition of Man breasts may sound there are many remedies to treat Gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a medical condition among men that can cause them to develop breast tissues, sometimes known as man breasts. Gynecomastia is generally caused by reducing levels of male hormones called testosterone or increase in female hormones called oestrogen which leads to swollen breast tissues and even breast tenderness. It causes development of excess fat on your pectoral muscles leading to the appearance of a female-like chest in man, ranging from simply puffy nipples to full-blown breast development. 

Development of man breasts is much more common than you might expect; up to 30 percent of men will be affected by this condition at some point in their life. 

Although there are many remedies to treat Gynecomastia by consulting a doctor through medication and surgery, you can get rid of this problem on your own without burning a hole in your pockets. How? Well, the answer is regular exercise with a healthy and balanced diet. 

Exercises to get rid of Gynecomastia

Picking exercises and work out routines on a regular basis can help you build pectoral muscles and burn the excess fat on your chest.  Here are some Gynecomastia exercises to get rid of man breasts- 


Swimming is one of the best activities you can do to tone and reduce the excess fat in your body. Especially breaststroke which works on the pectoral muscles of your chest. Just 30 minute of swimming the breaststroke can burn around 370 calories. Plus, its always to fun to splash around. 

Walking and running

The simplest and easiest way to work on burning the excess fat in your body is to incorporate more walking and running in your daily life. Be it taking the stairs instead of elevator, covering small distances on foot instead of using a transport, cycling your way to work at least twice a week or simply getting a morning run. The smallest of efforts can lead to a big change. 

Bench Press

Bench press if one of the most common exercise performed by gym goers who wish to build a stronger chest. It simply involves lying flat on your back on a bench and pressing a weight upwards. The movement of lifting in this position works on your chest and help build pectoral muscles. You can aim to increase the weight of the barbell time to time for better results. Keep in mind a simple motto- No pain, no gain.


Push-ups are a simple bodyweight exercise that involves raising and lowering the body using just arms. It is very beneficial for building upper body strength, mainly your pectoral muscles.  Push ups are fast and effective for burning chest fat especially for a person having gynecomastia. 

Rowing Machines

A rowing movement- whether in the water or in the Gym- is an effective full-body exercise that particularly works on building and strengthening the chest. The pulling motion of the rowing machine engages your chest muscles and helps to burn gynecomastia fat. 

Bent-Forward Cable Crossover

If you have access to a gym, a bent-forward cable crossover machine might become your best partner in losing excess chest fat. The movements involved in this exercise if effective for activating the Pectoralis Major, the largest muscle of the chest. 

Along with exercises, small changes in your eating habits can also help bring a massive change. Cut out foods that are high in calories and add on foods are high in nutrients. 

While all the exercises listed above may seem like a lot of work, inculcating these slowly and steadily in your daily lives can help bring about a huge change in your body. If you’re anybody who’s suffering from Gynecomastia, keep in mind to have patience with your body and consistently work on yourself.

Also Read: Gynecomastia Surgery in India


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